You didn't enjoy your insult right? This post would let you know...
What should be the first step taken as a response to something unpleasant told by someone, or an unruly behavior? Should I ignore them? Or be it like, we must leave it on to karma? Should I be self controlled enough to bear up with this and not react, or do you think the better way would to make the person realise their mistake?
We can't control the latter's response but all we can do is have control over ourselves. What if they do not feel the need to be sympathetic towards them? What if they don't bother at all if I start avoiding them from then onwards? My personal opinion gets confused as to when to give an answer and when to avoid people with bad behavior. It seems like crazy leaving people who wrong you just giving an excuse that it's better not to. So what would the result be then? If they are our younger ones, those who belong to the family, should we simply ignore their behavior? What would that lead to then? And even if they are not our family members, does that give them a right to spread filthiness in the society? Everyone ignoring each other then. Just imagine how would that look like, people just be allowed to behave the way they want to, everyone ignoring them, even wild flowers when let alone, grow too much to host snakes.
Then what should be the suggestion you would give me? Have patience? For what? To see unruly youngsters behaving like animals, uncivilized and indisciplined and just wait for them to grow into anti social elements? And by the latest and the most common theory of not reacting to their bad behavior and simply feeling pity would suddenly turn on a magic button and all of a sudden they would turn to noble men. Wow, so big a dream, so insane a fantasy.
I don't think so there is any possible, and logical explanation for that magic button I mentioned above. It's just all about, you don't wanna get insulted, just keep mum. As simple as that you see. You can't help but stay quiet and simply watch them grow bad to worse and troubling all those who teach them anything good. Trust me, this theory doesn't let me stay into good terms with my mind. I feel frustrated these days. Yes, it's true you can simply give them a warning, it's true you can always give them an answer in a proper way, but then, are they going to accept that? Yes, even if your neighbour's cat is found ruining all your backyard, you must not loose your cool. This should not be done right? You must simply have the patience to sit down, and simply have a good conversation with your neighbor regardless of he being least interested. Sounds idiotic, don't you think so?
I have not been rude to people lately, at least I try not to, but that doesn't mean every person around me would be feeling the same. You see, every person is different. No one can be taught something he or she doesn't want to learn. And it's mostly a conscious choice. It might be the upbringing, a mental state, a thought process, or simply a choice. But every insult should not be left untreated. You must know, every real condition has certain limitations, we can't have ideal situations in the world. No one can. And therefore, it's the need of the hour, to respond to the wrongs that happen to you after a certain point. There is a threshold, there is a breaking point, similarly there is a point at which just simply taking these insults would make you weaker.
Consider a frog you simply pick up and put in a pre boiling water, you would surely know, it would jump out as soon as possible. Now consider, a frog you already place in normal water, which you then start boiling. Frogs are best known for their ability to adapt themselves with the surrounding environment. It would start doing the same. As the water starts boiling, it would start adapting itself. With time there would be a point when its ability to bear up the heat would not be left anymore, but now what you would see, it doesn't jump out. It just cannot, dying in the water itself. This is because of bearing too much with the heat, it has left it's ability to retaliate, since all of it had been used, while adapting to its surroundings.
The same goes with us, and anyone who keeps on bearing up the wrong. After a certain point of time, when it is actually the right time to respond, we simply keep on bearing up with things and thus, loose the ability to speak up against those who are responsible.
Stop always stopping yourself. Learn to fight back when it's time. Learn to let others know how to behave with you, how to treat you. Only you can decide your value and let others know it. And therefore, it is an important responsibility of each one of us. I do not support violence, nor do I provoke you to be abusive, but there is always a way to show your anger. There is always a way to let your feelings be projected. If there are stronger legal steps and it's much needed, don't hesitate. Go ahead. This would probably be a help for the latter too. A plague well prevented is always the best thing you can do for everyone including yourself. Do it now before things turn out worse, and uncontrollable. Do it for your sake.
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